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Given the Discount Schedule and pricing details of the Cloud Storage Product, what is the calculated Regular Unit Price for the Quote Line? Quote line field values: *List price: $100 *Quantity: 5 Discount Schedule field values: *Type: Slab *Discount Unit: Percent
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An Admin creates a Search Filter for Product Code that has a predefined Filter Value of Green and an operator of “starts with”. If the Search Filter is visible, how can sales reps interact with the filter on the Product Selection screen?
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Sales reps can replace the text, but are unable to leave the required field blank.
Sales reps can change the operator from “starts with” to “contains”.
Sales reps can see the filter, but are unable to alter the filter text.
Sales reps can delete the text to ignore the filter.


Users at Universal Containers have reported when amending a contract, the net pricing of some products is incorrect. The Admin has done a preliminary investigation and found that the issue only happens on existing products when their quantity is adjusted. What is the likely cause?
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The Revised Quantity has been set on the Subscription record.
The Products have a Discount Schedule and Cross Order is not selected.
A Price Rule is firing Before Calculate and changing the Regular Unit Price.
A Price Rule is firing On Calculate and changing the Effective Quantity.


Subscription Product A has a Subscription Term of 6, a List Price of $100, and a Ranged Discount Schedule. A user has added this Product a Quote with a Term of 12. A u The Ranged Discount Schedule is automatically applying a Discount of 25%. What is the Regular Pnce m this scenario?
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Regular Pnce of $150
Regular Price of $75
Regular Price of $200
Regular Price of $100


In what way does Smart Approvals expedite the approval process?
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Approving a quote will auto-approve any lesser-discount quotes related to the same opportunity.
Quotes within defined thresholds will be automatically approved.
Quotes with multiple steps in the approval chain go directly to the highest approver required.
Rejected quotes that are resubmitted within previously approved values go directly to the person who rejected.


A user is unable to see a particular Product on the Product Selection screen when clicking Add Products. What are two potential reasons the Product is unavailable Choose 2 answers
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The Hidden checkbox on the Product record is set to TRUE.
The Add Products button has a Custom Action Condition associated to it.
The Component checkbox on the Product record is set to TRUE.
The Add Products button has a Search Filter associated to it.


Universal Containers wants to have quantity requirements for certain Product options in a bundle. The Product Option’s quantity must be multiplied by the quantity of the bundle product. How should the Admin set this up in the bundle to meet the requirement?
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Select the Multiplier checkbox on the Bundle.
Select the Bundled checkbox on the Product Option.
Select Component as the Type field on the Product Option.
Select the Quantity Editable checkbox on the Product Option.


Universal Containers has three different range discount schedules. All three have a reference to Product A through the objects shown below. Product A is an option in a bundle and has a list price of $100. Certification Exam Salesforce-CPQ-Specialist Salesforce Salesforce-CPQ-Specialist 2-2110347341 Given this scenario, what should the Net Total Price of Product A be if the user enters a Quantity of 15 on a quote where contracted pricing is applicable?
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An admin has created a text field Configuration Attribute for Bundle
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The admin wants the attribute to start with a dynamic value the moment the configuration page loads. Which steps should the admin take to meet this requirement? A. Create a formula text field on the Quote, constructing the formula to return the desired default value. Update the Configuration Attribute Default Field to identify the Quote formula field.
Create a Process Builder to update the Product Option field that is used for the Configuration Attribute value. Set the process to trigger upon new record creation.
Create a text field on the Quote Line object with the same API name as the Configuration Attribute field. Create a Price Rule to target the Quote Line field to give it a value.
Create a Price Rule to target the Product Option field that is used for Configuration Attribute to give it a value. Ensure the end user selects Apply Rules in the Configurator.


Universal Containers must be able to create Quotes that contain Quote Lines with different Start Dates. Order Products must be separated into Orders after generation based in the Start Dates. How can a CPQ Specialist meet this business requirement?
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Separate Quotes must be created for each unique Start Date.
Set both the Order by Quote Line Group and Ordered checkboxes to True.
Change Default Order Start Date in CPQ Package settings to Quote Start Date.
Set the Order By picklist on the Quote to SBQQ StartDate c, and the Ordered checkbox to True.
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  • Quiz name:Salesforce-CPQ-Specialist
  • Total number of questions:179
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%

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