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"When configuring a bundle, Universal Containers users must select Product B and Product C in order to add Maintenance Product
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How should the CPQ Admin set this up to meet the requirement? Choose one answer A. Create an Option Constraint Group ""Maintenance"" to require that Product A can only be selected when Products B and C are selected.
Create two ""Dependency"" Option Constraints for Products B and C and have Product A as the constraining option for both Option Constraints."
Create a ""Dependency"" Option Constraint for Product B and an ""Exclusion"" Option Constraint for Product
Create two ""Exclusion"" Option Constraints for Products B and C and have Product A as the constrained option for both


Universal Containers wants its premier service, Shipping Plus, to appear at the top of Product Selection when users add Products to the Quote. How can the Admin Configure the Shipping Plus Product record to meet this requirement?
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Set the Product’s Sort Order as the only null Sort Order of any Product.
Set the Sort Order as the lowest numerical value of any Product’s Sort Order.
Set the Product Code as the first alphabetically of any Product’s Product Code.
Set the Product’s Product Code as the only null Product Code of any Product.


Universal Containers sends a company PDF brochure with each Quote to potential customers. Sales rep attach the brochure to each email sent. What should the Admin do to simplify this process?
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Manually attach the PDF as an Additional Document on each Quote the sales rep sends.
Add the PDF as a required Additional Document on the Quote Template.
Upload the PDF into the Documents object folder named Output Attachments.
Create an HTML Template Content record for the PDF and include it in a Template Section.


Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) wants to reflect future renewals in its forecast pipeline as soon as the current Contract is created. Some customers will require changes to existing Contracts during the Contract Term. NTO wants the Opportunity pipeline to reflect this as soon as these changes are applied. What should the Admin configure to meet the requirement? Certification Exam Salesforce-CPQ-301 Salesforce Salesforce-CPQ-301 2-299432476
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Automate setting the Renewal Forecast checkbox on the current Contract upon creation.
Automate renewal forecasting with a Lightning Quick Action on the Opportunity.
Automate setting the Renewal Quoted checkbox on the current Contract upon creation.
Automate setting the Renewal Forecast checkbox and Renewal Quoted checkbox on the current Contract upon creation.


Universal Containers has a slab Discount Schedule for Product A with these Discount Tiers: If Product A has a List Price of $100.00, what is the Net Total for a Quote Line with the quantity of 21?
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How should an Admin enable renewal uplift on an Account?
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Update the Markup (%) field on the Renewal Quote.
Change the Renewal Pricing Method to Same on the Account.
Select the Combine Subscription Quantities checkbox on the Contract record related to the Account.
Update the Renewal Pricing Method to Uplift on the Account, then populate the Renewal Uplift (%) field on the Contract record.


If a manager is taking a leave of absence, how can the Admin using Advanced Approval ensure that another manager will receive Approval requests during the period in which the original manager absent?
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On the original manager’s Approver record, reference a different manager’s Approver record in the Next Approver lookup field. Clear the Next Approver lookup field once the original manager returns from leave.
Create an Approval Rule with an Effective Start Date and Effective End Date spanning the absence. Populate the Approver field of the rule with the subtitle Approver, then add the rule to the existing Approval chain as the first step.
Create a new Approver record, with the Group ID field set to the ID of a Public Group that contains all of the managers. On the original manager’s Approver record, click the Replace button and select the new Approver record.
On the original manager’s Approver record, set the Delegated Approver lookup field to reference a different manager’s Approver record, and set the Delegated End field for the date of the original manager’s return.


Universal Containers (UC) wants to sell products with monthly subscription terms. UC wants additional days to round up to the nearest month for calculating the prorated price. Which CPQ package settings should UC use to meet the business requirement?
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Subscription Term unit: Month Subscription Prorate Precision: Day
Subscription Term unit: Month Subscription Prorate Precision: Month
Subscription Term unit: Month Subscription Prorate Precision: Month + Daily
Subscription Term unit: Day Subscription Prorate Precision: Day.


Universal Containers (UC) has set the CPQ package settings of both Subscription Term Unit and Subscription Prorate Precision to Month. UC wants to quote a Fixed Price Subscription Product with a start Date of June 18, 2019 and an End Date of August 21, 2020. The Product record has a Subscription Term of 12, a Pricing Method of List, and a Pricebook Entry of USD 100 What is the Prorated List Unit Price for the Quote Line?
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USD 116.67
USD 118.31
USD 125.00
USD 100.00


Universal Conditions wants its users to be able to apply Additional Discounts in the Line Editor at both the Quote and Group level. Which two steps should the Admin take to fulfil this requirement? Choose 2 answers
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Add Additional Disc. to the Line Editor Field set on the Quote Line object.
Add Additional Disc. (%) to the Line Editor Field Set on the Quote object.
Add Additional Disc. (%) to the Line Editor Field Set on the Quote Line Group object.
Add Additional Disc. to the Segmented Line Editor Field Set on the Quote Line object.
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Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:Salesforce-CPQ-301
  • Total number of questions:302
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%

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