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Universal Containers has a quote with the following Process Inputs. The Admin wants questions that change dynamically based on answers to previous questions. For the first question, if the answer to "What business problem are you solving" is: Consolidated IT, then Server Types should be shown as the only next question. If the answer is "Manage Time & Express," then Deployment Options and Commercial Segment should be shown and Server Types should be hidden. How should the quote process be set up to meet this requirement?
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Create a Process Input Condition on Business Solution where Server Types equals Consolidated IT. Create a Process Input Condition on Deployment Options and Commercial Segment where Business Solutions equals Manage Time & Expense.
Create a Process Input Regulation on Server Types where Business Solution equals Consolidated IT. Create a Process Input Regulation on Deployment Options and Commercial Segment where Business Solutions equals Manage Time & Expense.
Create a Process Input Condition on Server Types where Business Solution equals Consolidated IT. Create a Process Input Condition on Deployment Options and Commercial Segment where Business Solutions equals Manage Time & Expense.
Create a Process Input Condition on Server Types Where Business Solution equals Consolidated IT. Create a Process Input Regulation on Deployment


How do you ensure that the value a user inputs into a Configuration Attribute is preserved so that the user does not need to re-enter it when reconfiguring the bundle at a later time?
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Add the Configuration Attribute to the ReferencedFields field set
Check the "Store Configuration Attribute Values" checkbox in the Steelbrick package settings
Check the "Store Value" checkbox on the Configuration Attribute record
Create a field on the Quote Line object that has the same data type and API name as the field you created on the Product


Universal Containers has a bundle with required Product Options. After the bundle is selected, the user should bypass the configuration process. How should the Admin set up the bundle to meet this requirement?
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Set the Configuration Event field on the bundle Product to be Disabled, and select the checkbox for Bundled on the Product Options.
Set the Configuration Event field on the bundle Product to be Required, and select the checkbox for Required on the Product Options.
Set the Configuration Event field on the bundle Product to be Allowed, and select the checkbox for bundled on the Product Options.
Set the Configuration Event field on the bundle Product to be Disabled, and select the checkbox for Required on the Product


Universal Containers wants to create a new product that will be sold as part of a bundle. The product should be priced as 10% of all components' net total price and carry a term of 12 months. The Product has been configured as such: Certification Exam Salesforce-CPQ-211 Salesforce Salesforce-CPQ-211 60-3099564767 Which product and option configuration will attain the required pricing? Object - Field - Data
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Product - Pricing Method - Percent of Total Product - Percent of Total Scope - Components Option - Percent of Total Base - Customer
Product - Pricing Method - Percent of Total Product - Percent of Total Base - Customer Option - Percent of Total Scope - Package
Product - Subscription Pricing - Percent of Total Product - Percent of Total Scope - Net Option - Percent of Total Base - Components
Product - Subscription Pricing - Percent of Total Product - Percent of Total Base - Net


In add-on and renewal scenarios, Universal Containers wants to disable the selection of one- time setup fees in bundles that have previously been sold to the client. The Admin will create a Product Selection Rule that will check if the number of previously sold setup fees is greater than 0. What should the error condition test against?
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Use Subscription as Tested object and Subscription Name as Tested Field.
Use Asset as Tested Object and Asset Name as Tested Field.
Use a Tested Variable that counts the number of existing setup fee Assets.
Use a Tested Variable that counts the number of existing setup fee Subscriptions.


How can an Admin prevent users from reconfiguring a specific bundle after initial configuration?
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Set the Configuration Type to Disabled.
Set the Configuration Type to Allowed and Configuration Event to Always.
Set the Configuration Type to Allowed and Configuration Event to Add.
Set the Active checkbox on Reconfigure Line Custom Action to False.


Universal Containers has a requirement to ensure that Product B is always quoted with Product A in a bundle. The products are in separate features and there is no clear indication that they must be sold together. They implemented a Product Validation rule to fulfill this requirement, but received complaints that it was not user friendly. What other approach should the Admin take to fulfill this requirement?
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Create an Option Constraint with Type: Add.
Create a Configuration Price Rule to add Product B.
Create a Product Selection rule to add Product B.
Create an Option Constraint with Type: Dependency.


Universal Containers wants to apply an additional discount of 15% to the Quote when Payment Frequency is Monthly or Bi-Weekly and Product A is added or User Count greater than 25 is defined. What is the correct Price Rule Setup?
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One Price Rule with Conditions Met set to Custom, three Price Conditions, and one Price Action.
Four Price Rules with Conditions Met set to All, one Price Condition each and one Price Action each.
One Price Rule with Conditions Met set to All, four Price Conditions, and one Price Action.
Two Price Rules with Conditions Met set to All, one Price Condition on one rule and two on the other, and one Price Action each.


Universal Containers need to generate two styles of PDF output, one that includes prices in the line item table of the quote is primary, and another that hides prices when the quote is not primary. Where should the Admin reference the primary checkbox field to set up this requirement?
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In the Show Currencies Field in the Line Items Template Section.
In the Conditional Print Field of a Template Section for only price Line Columns.
In the Conditional Print Field for each price Line Column
In the Hide Line Currencies Field in the Quote Template.


Universal Containers has created a Discount Schedule with the override Behavior set to All Tiers and applied it to a Product. A sales rep then adds this Product to a Quote, manually changes the discount percent of a discount Tier, and saves the Quote. At what point during the sales process can the sales rep be assured that the override amount will be unaffected by changes the Admin may make to the original Discount Schedule?
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The Save or Quick Save buttons are clicked.
Override values are subject to Discount Schedule updates made by the Admin.
The Opportunity status has changed to Proposal/price Quote.
The Quote status has changed to Approved.
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Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:Salesforce-CPQ-211
  • Total number of questions:241
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%

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