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Question 1/101/10
A vendor puts cardholder information into a chip by sliding a payment card through a machine that
programs it and verifies the dat
a. The chip can make contactless transactions. Which of the following best describes the vendor’s
You are driving to a vendor for their first assessment. The facility is in a rural area, twenty miles away
from the nearest large town. What most concerns you about the location?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
The local fire service may not be able to reach the facility within 15 minutes
Law enforcement services may not be able to reach the facility in a timely manner
Power blackouts may affect security systems
There may not be adequate retail outlets, which may cause problems when sourcing lunch items
for onsite personnel
Right Answer: B
Question 3/103/10
A vendor wants to know if they will be penalized if their vault is not compliant. Who should they ask?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Issuing banks
Payment brands
Right Answer: B
Question 4/104/10
A vendor receives cardholder information and keys from a bank. The vendor then performs the
* Uses its HSM to create keys
* Creates cardholder information specific to each cardholder, including name and PAN
* Formats the data for the hardware that will put it on a card
* Writes it to an encrypted file
Which of the following best describes this process?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Data creation
Data preparation
Right Answer: D
Question 5/105/10
An assessor must provide which of the following to their client at the start of every assessment?
When must HSA motion detectors generate an alarm event?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Each time movement is detected
Each time movement is detected outside of regular business hours
Each time movement is detected and the access-control system indicates the room is occupied
Each time movement is detected and the access-control system indicates the room is not occupied
Right Answer: D
Question 8/108/10
Which of these is a requirement of the security control room?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
Access must be controlled by a physical key (in case of power-failure)
Access must be monitored in real-time
At least one guard must be present at all times
Dual-control must be used to grant entry
Right Answer: D
Question 9/109/10
During an assessment you ask to see employee records for employees with access to the HS
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
The records include information about the screening process, including background information
from the employee application process. The oldest background Information that is available is for an
employee that left the vendor (terminated their contract) one year previously. You note this as non-
compliant, why?
A. Employee information, including background checks, must be stored for at least seven years
Employee information must be securely destroyed (e.g. securely wiped) within 2 years (after
termination of contract)
The vendor must retain the background information for at least 18 months after termination of
The vendor must only retain background information for all current employees, not for those that
have been terminated
Right Answer: A
Question 10/1010/10
The vendor's technical documentation shows that the alarm system does not send alerts to the
security control room. After a discussion you learn that the alarm works perfectly, and sends a clear
signal to summon the local police every time an emergency exit is opened. Why might this cause a
problem for their assessment?
Select the answer:Select the answer
1 correct answer
If the local police have not been issued with an exterior key. they will not be able to investigate
the cause of the alarm and reset it
During working hours, the alarm should be managed in the security control room, or by a central
monitoring service
If the local police receive too many false-positive alerts, they may not respond within 15 minutes
of the alarm
During busy times, the local police may not be able to respond
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What to expect from our PCI-CPSA practice tests and how to prepare for any exam?
The PCI-CPSA Simulator Practice Tests are part of the PCI Database and are the best way to prepare for any PCI-CPSA exam. The PCI-CPSA practice tests consist of 50 questions and are written by experts to help you and prepare you to pass the exam on the first attempt. The PCI-CPSA database includes questions from previous and other exams, which means you will be able to practice simulating past and future questions. Preparation with PCI-CPSA Simulator will also give you an idea of the time it will take to complete each section of the PCI-CPSA practice test . It is important to note that the PCI-CPSA Simulator does not replace the classic PCI-CPSA study guides; however, the Simulator provides valuable insights into what to expect and how much work needs to be done to prepare for the PCI-CPSA exam.
PCI-CPSA Practice test therefore represents an excellent tool to prepare for the actual exam together with our PCI practice test . Our PCI-CPSA Simulator will help you assess your level of preparation and understand your strengths and weaknesses. Below you can read all the quizzes you will find in our PCI-CPSA Simulator and how our unique PCI-CPSA Database made up of real questions:
Info quiz:
Quiz name:PCI-CPSA
Total number of questions:50
Number of questions for the test:50
Pass score:80%
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