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CORRECT TEXT Ken, an entrepreneur in Leeds finds the quality of the tea locally available so low, that he decides to research superior teas around the world. He decides to market, sell and distribute these superior teas via the web. His market strategy is to offer superior products on a well-designed website with graphics that are fast to load, has high availability, superior usability and fast response times. The website will offer the following: -An innovative interactive catalogue of teas, which not only enables customers to buy the product, but also enables them to provide feedback by rating the teas (which will influence his stock purchasing levels) Provide the customer with the ability to use secure credit card transactions Provide the customer to give general feedback Ken selects an iterative model for the development of the prototypes. The team consists of three developers that are experienced in web development. Ken, although he doesn't have technical skillset, is concerned with quality. He doesn't believe a lot of documentation is necessary and he wants the website to be completed quickly. The test basis contains the following: -Story boards that show the information flow and page links through the site -HTML pages developed to date. -A statement of non-functional requirements. With the strategy taking shape, Ken asks your advice on the specific testing techniques that should be used to complete the required testing, bearing in mind the nature of the application and the nature of Ken’s overall objectives.
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1 correct answer
Option n,u,l,l are correct.


Which of the following descriptions is an example of the use of defect taxonomies? Number of correct answers: 1 [K2] 1 credit
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1 correct answer
Grouping defects found in execution by functional areas
Following a defect management process through testing
Running tests with the aim of finding as many defects as possible
Using a list of known defect types to penetrate the security of computer systems


You are testing an ATM based on the following use case; ATM start screen is showing The user inserts card The user types in PIN The user selects ‘cash with receipt’ The user selects € 50 The user selects ‘no further service’ Expected results The ATM provides €50 to the user The ATM return the card and balance slip The ATM clears the screen The ATM returns to start menu In your test log which of the following could be noted as part of additional attention points? [K3] 2 credits
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Issues regarding time-behavior
Issues regarding interoperability
More test cases needed to achieve full coverage
Expected results not clearly defined


Tax system A tax system needs to be updated due to new legislation. For a person with a salary of less than € 20.000 and who is married, the tax needs to be re-calculated. If the person also has more than two and less than five children, an additional 10% reduction is applicable. Applying equivalence partitioning to the “Tax System” specification, which of the following set of equivalence classes is most effective in testing the processing the number of children? [K3] 2 credits
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2, 4 and 6 children
2, 4 and 5 children
1, 3 and 6 children
3, 4 and 6 children


Ken, an entrepreneur in Leeds finds the quality of the tea locally available so low, that he decides to research superior teas around the world. He decides to market, sell and distribute these superior teas via the web. His market strategy is to offer superior products on a well-designed website with graphics that are fast to load, has high availability, superior usability and fast response times. The website will offer the following: -An innovative interactive catalogue of teas, which not only enables customers to buy the product, but also enables them to provide feedback by rating the teas (which will influence his stock purchasing levels) Provide the customer with the ability to use secure credit card transactions Provide the customer to give general feedback Ken selects an iterative model for the development of the prototypes. The team consists of three developers that are experienced in web development. Ken, although he doesn't have technical skillset, is concerned with quality. He doesn't believe a lot of documentation is necessary and he wants the website to be completed quickly. The test basis contains the following: -Story boards that show the information flow and page links through the site -HTML pages developed to date. -A statement of non-functional requirements. With the strategy taking shape, Ken asks your advice on the specific testing techniques that should be used to complete the required testing, bearing in mind the nature of the application and the nature of Ken’s overall objectives. Which TWO of the following items may more frequently need to be explained in greater detail for non-functional defect reports than for a functional defect report? [K2] 1 credit
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2 correct answers
Expected results
Steps to reproduce the defect
Test data used to identify the fault
Level of load on the system at the time of failure
Actual results


A temperature unit holds the temperature between 10 degrees Celcius and –10 degrees Celcius. If the temperature drops below –10 or rises above 10 then an alarm rings. Boundary Value Analysis tests are drawn up using the approach of two test cases per boundary. The temperatures to be tested are: [K3] 2 credits
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11, 10, -11, -10
11, 10, 9, -11, -10, -9
11, 9, -9, -11
10, 9, -9, -10


Using the “Tax System” specification scenario as described above, using boundary value analysis, which would be the most interesting test set to explicitly test one single boundary value as defined in the “Tax System” specification? Certification Exam ISTQB-ATA ISTQB ISTQB-ATA 2-4130235556 [K3] 3 credits
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A company wants to develop a web site to implement an on-line sales channel. The company has decided to do some usability testing, but resources are limited. The usability testing has therefore to be done as efficient as possible. Which THREE techniques would you recommend? [K4] 3 credits, 2 out of 3 correct 1 credit
Select the answer
3 correct answers
Usability laboratory
Use case testing
Heuristic evaluation
Equivalence partitioning
Pairwise testing
Exploratory testing


Which of the following criteria on test progress would enable the business to determine a likely ‘go live’ date? (i) Number of tests planned versus number of tests executed (ii) Number of high priority defects outstanding (iii) The test team’s timesheets in order to show how much effort has been devoted to testing (iv) Number of tests passed and number failed (v) Number of defects found in each development area (vi) The rate at which defects are being found [K2] 1 credit
Select the answer
1 correct answer
(ii), (iii), (iv)
(i), (iii), (v)
(i), (ii), (vi)
(iv), (v), (vi)


The use case will be used as a basis for the design of usability test scenario’s. As a tester you are asked to review the ATM use case from the perspective of usability testing. As a tester you are asked to review the ATM use case provided below. The use case will be used as a basis for functionality testing to be performed later. Certification Exam ISTQB-ATA ISTQB ISTQB-ATA 3-457267571 Which one of the comments, described hereafter, would be the MOST important one you would make? [K3] 2 credits
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1 correct answer
Acceptance criteria not defined
Business priority is missing
Post condition not defined
Alternative flows are missing
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Info quiz:

  • Quiz name:ISTQB-ATA
  • Total number of questions:62
  • Number of questions for the test:50
  • Pass score:80%

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